Vocational Education & Transition Services


Our most important goal is to prepare students to become full
participating members of their communities.  Vocational Education and Career Development focus on assessing work-related skills, interests, aptitudes and attitudes. Our PPS credentialed counselors assist young adults in developing self-confidence and vocational competencies to locate, secure, and retain employment in the community or sheltered environment. Transition skills focus on post-secondary education in the area(s) of self-help/life skills, relationship
building, money management & work/study skills.

Specially Designed Vocational Education and Career Development includes:

  • Providing programs and assessing work-related skills, interests, aptitudes, and attitudes.

  • Assisting individuals in developing attitudes, self-confidence, and vocational competencies to locate, secure, and retain employment in the community or sheltered environment, and to enable such individuals to become participating members of the community.

  • Assisting in job placement.

  • Instructing job trainers and employers as to the unique needs of the individuals.

  • Maintaining regularly scheduled contact with all work stations and job-site trainers.

  • Coordinating services with the Department of Rehabilitation and other agencies as designated in the IEP.

Vocational Education and Transition Services are provided in conjunction with the student’s IEP and are customized based on the individual needs of the student. Voc Ed and Transition Services are either provided by staff who possess a Pupil Personnel Services Counseling Credential or a Credentialed Teacher.

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